POPs forum 2014

POPs forum 2014 in Kunming (May 17-19 2014)

ga_2014_pops1Liu Xin was awarded best PhD student presentation of the forum. Professor Yu Gang (left 1) was the dean of Environmental College of Tsinghua University. He initiated the forum. He obtained his BSc in Department of Chemistry, Nanjing University in 1986.

ga_2014_pops21Liu Xin and Zhang Gan attended the POPs forum-2014 held in Kunming on May 17 2014. The POP Forum is an annual event organized by Professor Yu Gang of Tsinghua University, and sponsored by MEP.

ga_2014_pops31We met the two PhD students from CUG who are working with Professor Qi Shihua and had experienc in working in our group shortly.

ga_2014_pops41Liu Xin gave a presentation over the student’s forum.

ga_2014_pops51The student forum was organized excellently.

ga_2014_pops61Professors Pan Bo (right, 潘波) and Pan Xuejun (潘学军)were deans of the Schooll of Environment of Qunming Institute of Technology (昆明理工大学)。They are the local host of the Fourm.