
Kick-off workshop for biomass burning project

The Kick-off workshop for the Indo-China Peninsula NSFC Key Project on biomass burning (20150122-23)

The key project on buomass burning and its environmental impact funded by NSFC was domestically kicked-off on the workshop held in GIGCAS on the 22nd-23rd of January. The project will last for 5 years, with an internaitonal team from Thailand, UK, Swiss and China. The domestic participants include members from Wuhan University, Institute of Geochemistry in Guiyang, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone. The workshop aimed at shaping the major tasks and technical arrangements for the project, as well as its appropriate natual extension to maximize the project’s impact. The abstract of the project is as below.

【Emission and regional impact of organic pollutants from biomass burning in Indo-China Peninsula】 Regional biomass burning injects enormous amount of gasses and particles into the atmosphere. It is regarded as an important biogeochemical processes even at global scale, and poses significant impact on regional atmospheric environment. The Indo-China Peninsula (Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia) is one of the typical regions where large scale biomass burning activities take place, characteristic of widespread burning area, concentrated burning season, and various burning types. The emission may affect the vast region of West Pacific including the southern China coastal length. The peninsula has been a research hotspot for biomass burning emission research. The proposed project aims at a comprehensive study on the emission of carbonaceous aerosols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and typical persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from biomass burning in the peninsula, by integrating open biomass burning experiments, regional passive air sampling, station-based active air sampling, inorganic and organic markers and numeric models etc. In particular, novel passive atmospheric samplers and unique technique for radiocarbon analysis of carbon species in aerosols, as well as compound-specific radiocarbon analysis of PAHs, will be employed to effectively apportion the biomass burning contribution to regional air pollution. The emission mechanisms, chemical compositions, spatial-temporal distribution and environmental impact of biomass burning emission from the Indo-China peninsula will be investigated; the pathways for long-range atmospheric transport of this biomass burning emission towards the southern China coastal region will be elucidated and its impact range and extent being assessed.

bb1A pre-gathering of a few group members. From left to right: Dr Tiao Chongguo (田崇国), Prof Chen Yingjun(陈颖军), Prof Luo Chunling(罗春玲), Dr Cheng Hairong(成海容), Dr Li Jun (李军)and Zhang Gan (张干).

bb2Meeting in room 407

Trip to Germany

Junwen, Fobang and Zhang Gan met at Miesbach, Germany


ga_2014_germany11Liu Junwen and Liu Fobang (刘俊文、刘佛傍), the two budies visited me at Miesbach, Germany on October 25-26, when I was travelling in Germany for a management training course from Oct 11-Oct 31. We had coffees togethere sitting around the corner of the small railway station of Miesbach, by the Alps mountain. Junwen was with Szidat in Bern, Swiss, and Fobang has been with Ulrich in Mainze, Germany. They took train to Miesbach for the short but memorable meeting proving that-this is a small world.




PhD viva

Mengke, Junwen and Zheng Qian viva-ed their PhD



ga_2014_song1Listening to the final decision made by the referring committee.

ga_2014_song2Zheng Qian defensing her PhD thesis.

ga_2014_song3Liu Junwen answering questions from the referee.

ga_2014_song4What a gathering.

ga_2014_song5Front row from left: Prof Chen Yingjun(陈颖军), Prof Luo Chunling, Dr Tang Jianhui (唐建辉), Zhang Gan, Prof Wang Jun (王俊), Jiang Yishan, Dr Liu Di. Back row from left: Dr Zhong Guangcai, Wang Shaorui, Sun Yingtao, Jiang Longfei, Dr Liu Xiang, Dr Liu Junwen, Liu Xin, Dr Song Mengke, Dr Zheng Qian, Jiang Haoyu.

ga_2014_song61Mengke with, Lucy and her hiding baby. (HRes)

ga_2014_song71They are just too good to be ture? Zheng Qian and Haoyu. (This is a high resolution picture. Dangerous.)

ga_2014_song81Mengke and Jiang Longfei. (HRes)

ga_2014_song91Jiang Longfei and Sun yingtao. (HRes)

ga_2014_song10We are the time.

ga_2014_song11On the celebration dinner. Zhang Qian (left 1), Liu Junwen (right 2), Mengke (right 1) cheer for their suceesful escape.

ga_2014_song12From left to right, Yishan, Liu Di, Junwen and Liu Xin cheer together.

ga_2014_song13Nice place, nice food. (hi-resolution picture)

ga_2014_song141And so many beautiful girls.