The 6th Young Scientist Forum of Earth Science

On October 13-14th, Tang Tiangang attended the 6th Young Scientist Forum of Earth Science in Xining, Qinghai Province (青海·西宁).

The branch venue- the Application of cosmogenic nuclides in geochemistry was organized by professors Huang Rujing (黄汝锦), Chen Tianyu (陈天宇) and Niu Zhenchuan (牛振川). Tiangang gave a report in this branch venue entitled ‘Estimate of Biological Source Contribution to the Atmospheric Naphthalene in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region’. Zhang Yanlin (章炎麟) and Liu Junwen (刘俊文) also attended this meeting. 

It was quite a pity that Yanlin rushed back  to Nanjing for working before the end of the meeting.However, lucky for us, Yanlin treated us with a big meal in a local famous restaurant. After the meeting, Zhenchuan hosted a dinner farewell for some participants in the same restaurant.

Part of conference participants in the sub-venue

Tiangang gave his presentation

Junwen gave the report instead of Yanlin

A nice dinner

(written by Tiangang, polished by Bolong)