Workshop on cosmogenic radio-nuclides in Xi’an

On June 1-4, Zhu Sanyuan, Cheng Zhineng and Zhang Gan attended the Workshop on cosmogenic radio-nuclides in Xi’an (宇宙成因核素测量技术与应用青年学术论坛). Zhineng and Sanyuan gave talks over the audience. We also specially visited the Xi’an AMS Centre (西安加速器质谱 中心). The workshop will be a serial one, with Sanyuan and Ding Ping as council members.

Sun Youbin (孙有斌), deputy director of Institute of Earth Environment (IEECAS) delivering a welcome speech.

The Xi’an AMS (3 MeV) Facility.

Sanyuan was discussing with Prof Liu Chao, the senior AMS technician.

Ion source of the Xi’an 3 MeV AMS.