张瑞杰 (Ruijie Zhang)


张瑞杰:生于1982年1月,山东省菏泽人,博士研究生,本科毕业于沈阳农业大学土地与环境学院农业资源与环境专业(2004),硕士毕业于沈阳农业大学土地与环境学院植物营养专业(2008),硕士期间与中科院南京土壤研究所联合培养,参与滇池“863”项目中农村面源污染的研究工作。2011年博士毕业于中科院烟台海岸带研究生/广州地球化学研究所,学习环境科学专业,主要从事药物(抗生素)的区域环境化学研究,包括东江、黄渤海及北部湾河流及海洋等区域,辅助从事环境采样装备/仪器的研发工作及POPs污染物的研究工作。 2011.7进入中国科学院广州地球化学研究所地质学博士后流动站,2013年12月博士后出站,进入广西大学环境学院工作。


  1. Zhang Ruijie, Tang Jianhui, Li Jun, Cheng Zhineng, Chakra Chaemfa, Liudong Yan, Zheng Qian, Mengke Song, Chen Xiaoxiang, Luo Chunling, Zhang Gan. Occurrence and risks of antibiotics in coastal aquatic environment of the Yellow Sea, North China. Science of the Total Environment 2013,450-451, 197-204.
  2. Zhang Ruijie, Tang Jianhui, Li Jun, Zheng Qian., Liu Di, Chen Yingjun., Zou Yongde, Chen Xiaoxiang, Luo Chunling, Zhang Gan. Antibiotics in the offshore waters of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in China: Occurrence, distribution and ecological risks. Environmental Pollution 2012, 174, 71-77.
  3. Zhang Ruijie, Zhang Gan, Tang Jianhui, Xu Weihai, Li Jun, Liu Xiang, Zou Yongde, Chen Xiaoxiang and Li Xiangdong. Occurrence and risks of antibiotics in the Laizhou Bay, China: Impacts of river discharge. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2012, 80, 208-215.
  4. Zhang Ruijie, Zhang Gan, Tang Jianhui, Xu Weihai, Li Jun, Liu Xiang, Zou Yongde, Chen Xiaoxiang, Li Xiangdong. Levels, spatial distribution and sources of selected antibiotics in the East River (Dongjiang), South China. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 2012, 15, 210-218.
  5. Baoming Xue, Ruijie Zhang, Yinghui Wang, Xiang Liu, Jun Li, Gan Zhang. Antibiotic contamination in a typical developing city in south China: Occurrence and ecological risks in the Yongjiang River impacted by tributary discharge and anthropogenic activities. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2013, 92,229-236.
  6. Zheng Qian, Zhang Ruijie, Wang Yinghui, Pan Xiaohui, Tang Jianhui, Zhang Gan. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf, China: Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities. Marine Environmental Research 2012, 78, 26-33.
  7. Zou Shichun, Xu Weihai, Zhang Ruijie, Tang Jianhui, Chen Yingjun and Zhang Gan. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in coastal water of the Bohai Bay, China: impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities. Environmental Pollution 2011, 159, 2913-2920.
  8. Yan Wang, Jun Li, Zhineng Cheng, Qilu Li, Xiaohui Pan, Ruijie Zhang, Di Liu, Chunling Luo, Xiang Liu, Athanasios Katsogiannis, and Gan Zhang. Short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in air and soil of subtropical terrestrial environment in the Pearl River Delta, South China: Distribution, composition, atmospheric deposition fluxes, and environmental fate. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47, 2679-2687.
  9. Weihai Xu, Wen Yan, Xiangdong Li, Yongde Zou, Xiaoxiang Chen, Weixia Huang,Li Miao, Ruijie Zhang, Gan Zhang, Shichun Zou. Antibiotics in riverine runoff of the Pearl River Delta and Pearl River Estuary, China: Concentrations, mass loading and ecological risks. Environmental Pollution 2013, 182, 402-407.
  10. Hairong Chenga, Zongming Deng, Paromita Chakraborty, Di Liu, Ruijie Zhang, Yue Xu, Chunlin Luo, Gan Zhang, Jun Li. A comparison study of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in three Indian cities using PUF disk passive air samplers. 2013. Atmospheric Environment 2013, 73, 16-21.
  11. Yiyin Xu, Yinghui Wang, Jun Li, Xiang Liu, Ruijie Zhang, Songjun Guo, Wenyu Huan, Gan Zhang. Distributions, possible sources and biological risk of DDTs, HCHs and chlordanes in sediments of Beibu Gulf and its tributary rivers, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2013, 76, 52–60.
  12. 张瑞杰, 张干, 唐建辉, 李军, 刘向, 杨振明, 邹永德, 陈晓翔. 喹诺酮类抗生素在莱州湾及主要入海河流中的含量和分布特征. 海洋环境科学, 2012, 31(1), 53-58.
  13. 伍婷婷,张瑞杰,王英辉,冷冰,薛保铭,刘向,林卫东. 邕江南宁市区段表层沉积物典型抗生素污染特征. 中国环境科学,2013,33(2),336-344.
  14. 王琰, 李军, 刘向, 成志能, 张瑞杰, 张干. 广东东江流域多氯萘的大气沉降与来源. 环境科学, 2012, 33(1), 20-25.