李继兵 (Jibing Li )

李继兵:博士,特聘研究员,硕导,2022年获广东省杰出青年基金资助。2018年毕业于中国科学院大学(中科院广州地球化学研究所),获得环境科学博士学位。博士论文《基于稳定同位素探针技术的多环芳烃降解微生物研究》获2020年度“中国科学院优秀博士学位论文”。2018年入选“博士后创新人才支持计划(博新计划)”,于中科院广州地球化学研究所有机地球化学国家重点实验室进行为期两年的博士后研究。2020年8月获“涂光炽优秀青年学者”(A类),留所工作。入选“广东省100位博士博士后创新人物”(2019年)、 “中国科学院院长优秀奖”(2018年)、简浩然环境微生物基金”优秀论文奖”(2016年)。发表SCI论文近30篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在Environmental Science & TechnologyWater ResearchEnvironmental MicrobiologySoil Biology and BiochemistryApplied and Environmental MicrobiologyEnvironment International等国际主流刊物发表SCI论文16篇,申请国内国际发明专利12项(授权7件)。




  1. Jibing Li, Dayi Zhang, Bei Li, Chunling Luo, Gan Zhang, 2022. Identifying the active phenanthrene degraders and characterizing their metabolic activities at single-cell level by the combination of magnetic-nanoparticle mediated isolation, stable-isotope probing and Raman-activated cell sorting (MMI-SIP-RACS). Environmental Science & Technology, 56(4), 2289-2299(副封面文章).
  2. Xuan Zhao, Jibing Li*, Dayi Zhang, Ziling Huang, Chunling Luo, Longfei Jiang, Deyin Huang, Gan Zhang, 2022. Mechanism of salicylic acid in promoting the rhizosphere benzo[a]pyrene biodegradation as revealed by DNA-stable isotope probing. Science of the Total Environment, 152202.
  3. Jibing Li, Chunling Luo, Dayi Zhang, Xuan Zhao, Yeliang Dai, Xixi Cai, Gan Zhang, 2021. The catabolic pathways of in situ rhizosphere PAH degraders and the main factors driving PAH rhizoremediation in oil-contaminated soil. Environmental Microbiology 23, (11), 7042-7055.
  4. Luo, Chunling, Zhao, Xuan, Zhang, Dayi, Dai, Yeliang, Li, Qiqian, Wang, Shuang, Lin, Huiru, Zhang, Gan, Li, Jibing*, 2021. Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Autochthonous Bioaugmentation (ABA): Cases of ABA for Phenanthrene and Biphenyl by Ralstonia sp. M1 in Industrial Wastewater. ACS ES&T Water 1, (6), 1390-1400. (主封面文章, Editor’s choice)
  5. Jibing Li, Ke Peng, Dayi Zhang, Chunling Luo, Xixi Cai, Gan Zhang, 2020. Autochthonous bioaugmentation with non-direct degraders: A new strategy to enhance wastewater bioremediation performance. Environment International 136: 105473.
  6. Jibing Li, Chunling Luo, Dayi Zhang, Xixi Cai, Gan Zhang, 2019. Stable-isotope probing enabled cultivation of the indigenous strain Ralstonia M1 capable of degrading phenanthrene and biphenyl in industrial wastewater. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85, AEM.00511-00519. (热点文章, Editor’s choice)
  7. Jibing Li, Chunling Luo, Dayi Zhang, Xixi Cai, Longfei Jiang, Xuan Zhao, Gan Zhang, 2019. Diversity of the active phenanthrene degraders in PAH-polluted soil is shaped by ryegrass rhizosphere and root exudates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 128, 100-110.
  8. Jibing Li, Chunling Luo, Dayi Zhang, Gan Zhang, 2018. Coupling magnetic-nanoparticle mediated isolation (MMI) and stable isotope probing (SIP) for identifying and isolating the active microbes involved in phenanthrene degradation in wastewater with higher resolution and accuracy. Water Research 144, 226-234.
  9. Jibing Li, Chunling Luo, Dayi Zhang, Mengke Song, Xixi Cai, Longfei Jiang, Gan Zhang, 2018. Autochthonous bioaugmentation modified bacterial diversity of phenanthrene degraders in PAH-contaminated wastewater as revealed by DNA-stable isotope probing. Environmental Science & Technology 52, 2934-2944.
  10. Jibing Li, Chunling Luo, Mengke Song, Qing Dai, Longfei Jiang, Dayi Zhang, Gan Zhang, 2017. Biodegradation of phenanthrene in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated wastewater revealed by coupling cultivation-dependent and -independent approaches. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 3391-3401.
  11. Jibing Li, Dayi Zhang, Mengke Song, Longfei Jiang, Yujie Wang, Chunling Luo, Gan Zhang, 2017. Novel bacteria capable of degrading phenanthrene in activated sludge revealed by stable-isotope probing coupled with high-throughput sequencing. Biodegradation 28, 423-436.
  12. Jibing Li, Qin Lu, Ting Liu, Shungui Zhou, Guiqin Yang, Yong, Zhao, 2014. Paenibacillus guangzhouensis, an Fe(III)- and humus-reducing bacterium from a forest soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64, 3891-3896.


  1. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:石油污染土壤中PAHs的生物强化降解及其对土壤PAHs降解功能微生物群落结构的影响,01- 2023.12,10万,主持;
  2. 广东省重点领域研发计划项目“基于固定化真菌-细菌的石油污染土壤修复新技术”之课题二“环境友好型增溶制剂的开发”,09-2023.9,200万,主持;
  3. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所“涂光炽优秀青年学者”计划A类,07- 2023.06,100万,主持;
  4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:基于稳定同位素探针和宏基因组学技术的根际多环芳烃微生物降解机理研究,01-2022.12,25万,主持;
  5. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:距离效应对根际微域中的PAHs降解影响机理研究,10- 2022.09,10万,主持;
  6. 广州市基础与应用基础研究项目:PCBs在不同植物根际微域的微生物降解机理研究,4-2023.3,20万,主持;
  7. 中国博士后科学基金项目:2018年度博士后创新人才支持计划,7-2020.7,60万,主持;
  8. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等):根系分泌物对根际多环芳烃降解功能微生物的影响研究,7-2020.7,8万,主持。