Academic saloon at Zhuhai

On July 21-22, we had an academic saloon focused on Carbon Speciation and Carbon Dynamics in the Haiquanwan Resort of Zhuhai.  Attendee to the academic saloon were by invitation only. A total of 20 previous and current group members joined the event. Professor Qi Shihua (祁士华) of CUG-Wuhan presided the saloon. Professor Chen Yingjun (陈颖军)of FDU gave a keynote speech on the speciation, emission and atmospheric effects of black carbon; Professor Hu Limin (胡利民)of OUC delivered a keynote speech on the organic carbon geochemistry on the continental shelf of Asian marginal seas. Each keynote stimulated a lot of comments and discussions over the topic. In the afternoon, Professor Tan Yujun (谭羽俊)of SYSU gave an introduction of his group and new progress in atmospheric halo chemistry; and Professor Lai Senchao(赖森潮) of SCUT gave a talk on his new findings in bioaerosols. On the second day, we had time to visit together the Jintai Temple (金台寺), which nicely situated at the hill top with the Huangyang Reservoir as the front view. We also visited a small old but reconstructed village, the Jiexia Village (接霞庄), where we enjoyed specially-baked chicken. The Saloon becomes a nice public platform for all previous, current group members and specially invited guests.  We will make it annual and more attractive.

Celebration of Prof Zou’s new company

On July 20th, a group of us (Gan, Jun, Shizhen, Guangcai, Xiaofei, Yangzhi, Tang Jiao) went to Zhuhai to join in the opening ceremony of the newly established company, the BoAu(博澳) Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd., of which the founder is Professor Zou Shichun (邹世春), a close friend of our group. Lots of old friends attended, including Professors Qi Shihua (祁士华)of CUG-Wuhan, Frank S C Lee(李顺诚) of HKUST-Guangzhou, Chen Yingjun (陈颖军)of FDU, Tian Congguo (田崇国)of YIC-CAS, Hu Limin(胡利民) of OUC etc.  Haoyu acted as the hostess of the ceremony. Gan is honored to be  invited as the chief advisor for future development of the BoAu company. The company will provide the community sophisticated microwave-based digestion and extraction instruments, and other analytical equipment. We were all very happy to witness the opening of the company, and of cause we will cooperate with it from now on!    After the ceremony, we joined  to visit the Tianqin Centre (天琴中心) of SYSU, saw the big telescope, and enjoyed the picturesque landscape on the hill top.

Lifetime buddies (from left: Frank Lee, Zhang Gan, Qi Shihua, Zou Shichun

Trip to Brazail

From June 23rd to July 8th, our team of four—Gan, Jun, Guangcai, and Shizhen—visited Brazil on a more than 24-hour international flight to promote our ANSO MORATOXA program. We transit at Doha and São Paulo, eventually landing on Rio de Janeiro on the evening of June 24th. This trip was invited by Prof. João and Dr. Yago.  We visited the Biophysics Institute at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Shizhen and Jun demonstrated the setup of the active air sampler. Gan delivered a presentation on “Atmospheric Monitoring of Emerging Contaminants”, which attracted significant attention. We had an in-depth discussion about future cooperation and personnel exchanges, marking a perfect starting point from this visiting. In the next a few days, we took the opportunity to visit Iguazu, Manaus, Brasília, and São Paulo for sample collections. During the weekend, we explored several historic and natural attractions in Brazil, and celebrated Shizhen’s birthday with a joyful gathering at the Iguazu Falls. A memorable trip!
Gan was delivering his speech on emerging contaminants.
Many attendees participated in the presentation.
Gan presented Joan with Cantonese embroidery of kapok flowers as a gift.
We presented Yago with Cantonese embroidery of lychees as a gift.
Visiting the laboratory
Active air sampler demonstration
Yago treated us to a delicious Brazilian lunch.
Group photo inside the lecture room
Group photo in front of the institute
On the top of Sugar Loaf
On the Christ
Gan sitting at the Escadaria Selarón
Iguazu Falls

Celebrating Shizhen’s birthday

Jungle trail