
Ali Syed visited GIG

Ali Syed and Ambreen Syed visited (2014.2.5)

ga_2014_ali1Ali Syed stayed with us in 2009 for 1 year when he was a PhD student in Azam University in Pakistan. He is an assistant professor in COMSATS university in Pakistan leading a group under Professor Habib Bokhasi. Ali and Ambreen visited GIGCAS on Feb 5 2014 after his last leave 4 years ago.

ga_2014_ali2Ambreen Syed is Ali’s friend. She is also form Pakistan, and is a PhD student registered in IUE of CAS in Xiamen.

Zheng Qian in the Prague

Picture show (Zheng Qian in ihe  Prague, 2013.12.28)

ga_2014_zq11Zheng Qian visited RECETOX of Masaryk University in Czech Republic from Nov 2013-Mar 2014. RECETOX is one of the centres for POPs research in Europe founded by Professor Ivan Holobeck. Qian was working there with Luca Nizzettto on POPs in forest soil of China. Occasionally Lin Tian was also visiting there (for 1 year). This is a small world. Here she is showing us the beautiful city of Prague, once was the centre of Europe, with a full bundle of collections of European architectures in various styles.



