所有由Xiao Yuwei发布的文章

Kick-off plan: Air-Omics Squad fish plan(“咸鱼”计划)

During Jan13-19,2022, Shizhen and her team, the Air-Omics Squad(“爱米小分队”)(Lele, Jianchu, Yuwei and Yingjian), started a refreshing work on fish sampling. All fish samples were coming from the South China Sea, the East Sea, the West Sea, the Bohai Sea , the North Bay and Amur River. The flesh and livers of four types of fish( Monkfish, yellow fish, silver pomfret, hairtail and chum salmon) were cut and homogenized, and the mixtures were stored in closed brown glass bottles. This comes to be new content of the Air-Omics Squad project.

Silver pomfret (above) and yellow fish(below).

Shizhen was taking picture with the big monkfish.

Jianchu was dealing the yellow fish.Yingjian was helping Yuwei dealing with the monkfish.

Lele and Yingjian was dealing with the hair fish and monkfish separately.

Do click the video  for special moments!