所有由BL Zhang发布的文章

Tibetan Plateau 2002

Tibetan Plateau 2002 lake sediment sampling

ga_h_tibetanplateau2002_1Tibetan kids.

ga_h_tibetanplateau2002_2Our land cruiser 4500PCI.

ga_h_tibetanplateau2002_3Water sampling in Nam Co (纳木错)。



ga_h_tibetanplateau2002_6Our boat man on the lake.

ga_h_tibetanplateau2002_7Zhang Weiling, one of the first students in the group.

ga_h_tibetanplateau2002_8Weiling was dancing on the gront ground of Budala Palace.

ga_h_tibetanplateau2002_9Our alltime buddy, Professor Shihua Qi, on Co’E lake.
