ATMSYC team joins MEE HAPs monitoring study

On June 14, a group of us attended a workshop on the executive plans of monitoring hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) in typical emission sources, as directed/funded by Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE). Ms Ding Qiong (丁琼), Chief Engineer of MEE Centre for Solid Waste and Chemicals Management (SWCM), and Mr Dong Wenfu (董文福), head of SWCM department of MEE attended the workshop. Professor Lai Sengchao (赖森潮) of ATMSYC gave a presentation, introducing ATMSYC and our study plan of HAPs in the chemical industrial park of Xiaoguwei Island (小谷围岛), which is part of the MEE study. Shizhen, Liu Xin and Zhang Gan also attended the workshop.

The joining of ATMSYC with MEE and SWCM, as well as its participation in the MME collaborative study, indicates a formal cooperation between MEE and ATMSYC, and has paved the road for ATMSYC to meet government’s needs in HAPs management.

Professor Lai Sengchao gave an introduction of ATMSYC and the executive plan for the MEE HAPs monitoring study.

The workshop took place in Foreign Experts Hotel (外专大厦) in Beijing.

From left to right, Mr Dong Wenfu (生态环境部大气司固废与化学品处董文福处长), Ding Qiong (固废与化学品中心丁琼总工程师), Hu Junjie (固废中心胡俊杰博士) and Zhang Gan.