Closing of the ATMSYC program

On Jan 19 morning,  the final evaluation of the ATMSYC program (2017YFC0212000) took place at XiJiao Hotel (西郊宾馆)in Beijing.  Gan reported the major achievements of the 4 year program in 40 minutes. The assessment panel members highly praised the success of the program. Shizhen and Professor Ma Jianmin of Peking University joined the final report, irrespective of the unpromising  COVID-19 situation in Haidian of Beijing.  It took 4 years before the final evaluation/closure of the ATMSYC. It has been a long journey, with rich experience, lots of challenges, and many happiness and friendship !    (PS: the final score came out to be 89.)

I took this picture on the plane back, to note a leisure after the 4-year ATMSYC journey.