
“Wind-in-his-hair” Ssampling Campaign at Heshan in Preparation

On July 17th, a small group of Shizhen, Engineer Li, Linbo, Lele, Jianchu and Weiru went to the Heshan air monitoring supersite, to maintain air sampling machines on the rooftop of the station building as well as supply 40 sets of sampling materials for summer sampling campaign. Despite of the heavy rain, we five struggled in the rain to protect Engineer Li and the machines.Finally,  all the  machines were complished flow correction. We look forward to the approaching  sampling campaign.

Well-packaged sampling materials.

Professional Engineer Li was maintaining air sampling machines.

Us smiling in the rain.

Dong’ao Island workshop

On July the 10-11th, Shizhen, Jun and Gan joined a joint workshop between SYS-U, Institute of Tropical Forestry (ITF,热林所) and GIG. We also investigated potential air sampling sites on the small Dong’ao island(东澳岛). It takes about 40 minutes to ferry from Zhuhai to the island. The trip was organized by Professor Chen Jianyao(陈建耀) of SYS-U and his team. Professors Zou Shichun (邹世春)of SYS-U, Zhou Guangyi (周光益)and Wang Xu (王旭)of ITF participated the event. Gan gave a talk on radiocarbon applications in delineating carbon dynamics on the Earth’s surface. It was extremely hot with strong sunshine. However, we quite a lot enjoyed the beautiful island scenery as guided by local government officers, especially being looked after by Dr Zhao Xinfeng(赵新锋)of Zhuhai Environmental Monitoring Centre.  Per embankment Zhuhai, we had chance to enjoy a big feast prepared by Haoyu, with all group members of Professor Zou Shichun’s group in SYS-U. A nice trip!

Active air sampler in place at Nairobi

The mid-vol active air sampler dedicated to ANSO program has been setup at a rooftop on the campus of Nairobi University. This denotes a substantial progress of our ANSO program MORATOXA.  The Air-Omics made great efforts to bring this into reality. The sampler was configured and produced solely to our group, that with a small size but full function and robust. Shown in the picture are some familiar faces. We hope we can visit Kenya again.

Click to see our last visit: Kenya Visit on 4-15 August | 优秀花园 (garden-of-excellence.cn)

Professor Michael Gatari (right 1) and Mrs Simion (Right 2) and Mosses (Left 2)

Specially designed/configured mid-vol active air sampler dedicated to ANSO Program MORATOXA