
GeoBBC Progress – Phase 4 Dry Season Sampling Completed

On the International Working Women’s Day (8 March 2023), Bolong and Zhicheng completed the fourth phase of sampling in the dry season. Three surface sediments and three surface water samples were collected in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Chuantang River. Thank Bolong and Zhicheng for their efforts. The completion of the phase 4 sampling means the successful conclusion of the dry season sampling. Congratulations!The sampling sites of passive air samplers, water samples (50-100L) and surface sediment samples in the dry season sampling

Details of sampling sites in the  fourth stage of dry season (Photo by Bolong)

GeoBBC Progress – Sampling review and planning

Before the end of sampling in the dry season, Professor Zhang Gan invited Professor Zou Shichun, Dean of the School of Oceanology, Sun Yat-sen University, to visit Director Tian Zhaowei of Heyuan Hydrology Station. Along with them was the GeoBBC Sampling Squad (Professor Li Jun, Associate Professor Zhao Shizhen, Xiaofei, Bolong and Zhicheng). We had an in-depth discussion on sampling arrangements. Professor Zou and Director Tian gave professional suggestions, which greatly improved our sampling plan. Based on this discussion, we identified Shuntian Hydrological Station (顺天水文站), Heyuan Hydrological Station (河源水文站) and Boluo Hydrological Station (博罗水文站) as long-term sampling sites, and conducted field investigations on these preset sampling sites. What is exciting is that we successfully collected three sedimentary columns (~80 cm) in Fengshuba Reservoir (枫树坝水库). It was a really rewarding trip. Cheers!

Discussion in Heyuan Hydrology Station (February 24, 2023). 张干(左三)、邹世春(左二)、李军(左一)、赵时真(左四)、田兆伟(右三)、耿晓飞(右二)、胡峙成(右一)、张伯龙(拍摄)

Group photos at Shuntian Hydrological Station (February 25, 2023). 张干(右一)、邹世春(右三-下)、李军(左二)、赵时真(右二)、胡峙成(左一)、张伯龙(左三)、耿晓飞(右三-上)

Group photos at Boluo Hydrological Station (February 26, 2023)

Group photos in Simeizhou (hydroelectric power station, February 26, 2023)

The joy of successful collection of sedimentary columns (February 25, 2023)

GeoBBC Progress – Phase 3 Dry Season Sampling Completed

Following the completion of the sampling of the first two stages, the GeoBBC sampling of the third stage in dry season has been completed. From February 11 to 16, 2023, Professor Zhang Gan, Professor Li Jun, Associate Professor Zhao Shizhen, Xiaofei, Bolong and Zhicheng collected 8 surface sediment samples, 11 large water samples (~ 60L/sample) and 26 small water samples (~ 1L/sample) from the Xinfengjiang Reservoir and the river inlet. The large water samples include 8 surface water samples (2m) and 3 deep water samples (20m or 40m). The small water samples include 19 surface water samples (2m) and 7 deep water samples (20m, 40m and 60m). In addition, We set up 15 passive air samplers (3 samplers*5 sampling sites) and 1 atmospheric deposition sampler.

The sampling sites of passive air samplers, water samples (50-100L) and surface sediment samples in the first three sampling stages

Group photo of the sampling team on Xinfengjiang Reservoir (Photo by Geng Xiaofei)

Group photo of the sampling team on the lighthouse (Photo by Geng Xiaofei)

Surface sediment of Xinfengjiang Reservoir

Passive air samplers and an atmospheric deposition sampler

End of sampling on the first day  (Photo by Professor Li Jun)

Water sample pretreatment