POPs Forum 2018 in Chengdu

On May 16-18, Shizhen, Liu Xin and Gan Zhang attended the 2018 POPs Forum in Chengdu. Liu Xin gave a presentation on the meeting on her artificial forest and POPs story. Hairong and her student Zhang Sheng (张珅) also attended and had an extensive discussion with Gan on aerosol study in Hubei. We took the opportunity to visit Kuanzhaixiangzi (宽窄巷子)for nice food and fun at night. We were also happy to see Mr Yang Kong (杨孔)who is a student of Li Qilu of Henan Normal University and presented a talk on a student session, chaired by Gan.

This is one of the best organized forum in the POP circuit.


Yang Kong who has visited our group presenting his work on OFPs in the atmosphere of Xinxiang (新乡).