
Seminar on Nanling and Dongjiang Expedition and Research Collaboration

On October 21, we had a seminar with researchers from Research Institute of Tropical Forestry (RITF) of Chinese Academy of Forestry (林科院热林所), School of Geography and Planning of SUN YAT-SEN University (中山大学地理规划学院) and South China Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences  (中科院植物园). This seminar mainly discussed:1) the analysis scheme of Nanling tree-ring samples acquired from Professor Wang Xu (王旭), RITF; 2) the water and sediment sampling strategy in Dongjiang area; 3) the cooperative cultivation of students with Professor Zhou Guangyi (周光益), SUN YAT-SEN University.

Many great ideas have been produced during this meeting, so fantastic! In the evening, we had a nice party.

Wind-in-his-hair campaign on action

On Oct 10th, a small group of us went to the Heshan air monitoring supersite, to setup air sampling machines on the rooftop of the station building. This denotes that the field sampling campaign is on action, of which the objectives are to monitor and estimate the emissions of various pollutants (POM, POPs) and CO2  etc from the PRD city cluster, by means of down-wind observations and modeling. The name of the campaign, Wind-in-his-air (风中散发-Emission in the wind), is adapted from the name of an Indigenous Indian in the Oscar Academy-winning movie ‘Dances with Wolves’ (与狼共舞). The campaign is led by Shizhen, joined by Li Jing (modelling), Yao Chuxin (POM), Li Pingyang (CO2), and many of the Air-Omics squad members.  Occasionally, the wind field shifted to NNE from SE on the day, which is a sign of success.

Near-ground NNE wind started right on the day.

Wind-in-his-hair (风中散发). Actor Rodney A Grant.

Group visit to Inst Tropical Forestry

On July 21, a group of us including 时真、李静、广财、扬之 paid a half-day visit to Research Institute of Tropical Forestry (RITF) of  Chinese Academy of Forestry. RITF is located within 15 minutes away from our institute. We had a quite formal meeting between the SKLOG  people and the 南岭北江源生态实验站. Professors We Zhongmin (吴仲民)and Zhou Guangyi (周光益)has been my long time friends. Guangyi gave a detailed introduction of their field facilities across Nanling and their research on the response of forestry ecosystem on climate abnormalities.   I gave a talk introducing organic geochemistry and SKLOG . The two sides then had plenty discussion on potential collaborations. I summarized the possibilities as: i) tree rings for 14CO2; ii) sediment records  of historical cold/frozen events and ecosystem response; 3) forestry breath of 14CO2; and 4) BC/DBC in fired forest ecosystems in Nanling. We had a lot of drink after the fruitful discussion which last almost 3 hours. Li Jing would be very happy to receive a very precious gift from Professor Wang Xu of RIFT which are preserved tree rings of Guangdong Pine collected from each 3 altitudes from the South and the North aspectes of Nanling!  Happy life and enjoyable gathering!

PS: On July 5-8, invited by Zhongmin, I had opportunity to go with a group of experts to the RIFT Nanling Observatory facilities across the mountains. I had a deep impression on the trip and the facilities; and was figuring ideas in mind for  potential collaborations/further explores. Now it is clear. I wrote a Ci poetry (词)recording the great trip, below, with many nice poctures in the field.

【浣溪沙 南岭记行】

武水源流莽岭峤,分湘界粤入云霄。松杉针铁 、竞粗豪。
百里平湖舒两岸,浊溪润草粉蝶娆。红军故事、乐昌谣。 ​​​​
迤逦闲心说笑语,江山如画逝流韶,烧鹅就酒、酹滔滔。 ​​​

Prof Wang Xu (王旭) transferred the precious tree ring samples from Nanling (South and North aspects, each at 3 elevations, from ca. 800-1500 masl) to Li Jing.

The three 1960s-ers. Wu Zhongmin (left) and Zhou Guangyi are the founders of the Nanling Beijiang Source Ecosystem Observatory.

Stratified groundwater recorder/sampler. 层流渗漏、计厘毫。

Lysimeter (surface). 层流渗漏、计厘毫。

The lysimeter (beneath the ground). 层流渗漏、计厘毫。












Professor Zou Shichun (邹世春, centre) has been always around me for about 30 years.