
Kick-off meeting of ATMSYC Project 4&5 in Guangzhou

On March 23rd, the kick-off meeting of Project 4&5 under the National Key R&D Program of China “Towards an Air Toxic Management SYstem in China (ATMSYC,阿特姆赛克) took place in Ramada Plaza Hotel in Guangzhou. The event was dedicated to Project 4 (重要风险源环境健康风险评估方法与管理体系) and Project 5 (珠江三角洲有毒有害大气污染物风险管控技术平台). A total of 20 people participated this meeting, including the project director, principle investigators, core research members and invited guests. We specially invited Prof. Zhu Fahua (朱法华) of the Guodian Research Institute of Environmental Protection (国电环境保护研究院), Prof. Zhang Jinliang (张金良) of the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (中国环境科学研究院), Prof. Ma Jianmin (马建民) of Peking University (北京大学), Prof. Yuan Zibing (袁自冰) of South China University of Technology (华南理工大学), Prof. Chen Yingjun (陈颖军) of Tongji University (同济大学) and Prof. Zhang Yanlin (章炎麟) of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (南京信息工程大学) as the advisory board. This kick-off meeting was hold successfully, which further clarified detailed implementation plan and laid a solid foundation for future development.

The event.

Prof. Gan warmly welcomed all the participants and introduced the project.

Prof. Jun is the PI of Project 5 and gave a presentation on it.

The advisory board.

Group photo.

Gan and his University classmates.



Sampling trip to Sri Lanka in January 2018

On Jan 21_ 31st of  2018, three group members, Prof. Jun Li, Dr. Guangcai Zhong and Dr. Shizhen Zhao visited Dr. Parakrama Karunaratne from University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. This designed sampling campaign mainly focuses on the current air pollution and historical environmental change in Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) region, which has been key human health issue for more than two decades in Sri Lanka. Many thanks to the strong support from Dr. Parakrama Karunaratne and his excellent team, 65 passive air samplers were installed in Polonnaruwa region with high, medium and low CKDu prevalence. Meanwhile, six sediment cores were sampled in three Ancient Water Tanks (AWTs). Future collaboration plan was also in-depth discussed. We look forward to productive output from this sampling campaign and more intensive cooperation in future. This work is part of our on-going project, Southern Contaminants Programme (SCP, 2017-2019), which is based on international collaboration and funded by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) as part of its Belt & Road Initiatives.

Welcome dinner with Dr. Parakrama Karunaratne, Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana, Dr. Shameen Jindasa, Prof. Jun Li, Shizhen Zhao and Dr. Guangcai Zhong (from left to right).
A hemodialysis room in Polonnaruwa Hospital.
Discussion on detailed sampling plan with the core members of CKD control unit.
Assemble passive air sampler in the back of our van.


Dr. Zhong and Mr. Rajitha was installing two passive air samplers surrounded by curious students.
Happy time with adorable local pupils.
Great achievements on the first day.
Most CKDu-affected population works as paddy farmers.
Enjoy fresh coconuts given by hospitable indigene.
Full view of Minneriya Wewa.
On the boat to sample the sediment corer.
Work together to pull out the corer.
Dr. Zhong was taking care of the valuable corer.
Cutting sediment corer into pieces.
Spare no pains to push forward.
Tea time with the great local team.
Work as a united team.
We are family.
Came across a nice wedding ceremony.
Mahaweli River across the University of Peradeniya. It’s the longest river in Sri Lanka.
Visit the lab of Dr. Suranga Kodithuwakku from Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. He graduated from the University of Hong Kong.
Relaxing time in the ancient city of Polonnaruwa, the second-oldest city on the island and also an UNESCO World Heritage.

碳十四 (Radiocarbon)



地球上的放射性碳同位素(14C)主要有两个来源,一是宇宙射线下由14N同位素在大气中生成(图1),二是以1960-1970年代为高峰的人类核试验产生的14C在大气中的衰变遗存。二者相互叠加,构成现时大气14C的背景丰度(“现代碳”,Contemporary carbon)。由于核爆高峰期渐行渐远,大气“现代碳”的14C丰度正处于持续衰减中(图2)。



图1 天然14C的生成和环境命运 (Libby, 1949, Science。Libby因14C工作获Nobel奖)


图2 不同地表植被(当年生、10年生)、微生物和土壤有机质(SOM)14C丰度的时间变化(Trumbore, 2009, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci.)


(1)基于热化学原理的两阶段加热气溶胶OC/EC分离-捕集系统(图3,Zhang Yanlin et al., NIMB, 2010; Liu Di et al., 2013, ES&T),经石墨化制靶,以固体源AMS测定14C丰度;

(2)基于OC/EC商用分析仪(Sunrise TOT)的微量样品OC/EC分离制备系统(图4,参考Zhang Yanlin et al., 2012, ACP),用于对气溶胶中的有机质进行分离,并作为CO2收集,以气体源AMS测定14C丰度;



图3 基于热化学的两阶段气溶胶OC、EC分离制备系统。Zhang YL, 2010, NIMB; Liu D, 2013, ES&T.


图4 基于商用OC/EC (TOT)分析仪改装的微量样本OC、EC分离制备与AMS气体源14C测定技术。参考Zhang YL 2012, ACP.


图5 催化加氢装置。

在此研究方向,我们与瑞士Bern大学Sonka Szidat研究组、瑞典斯德尔摩大学Orjan Gustufsson研究组具合作关系和人员交流。

